Monday, November 22, 2010

Lesson learned... again.

A long day, to say the least, and as I'm prone to negativity and complaining I did my fair share of alone-time ranting... I'm a natural.

After I threw my hissy fit and people in the car next to me laughed (as I was clearly not singing, but griping to no one), I felt ridiculous. No matter how irritating or difficult or frustrating or upsetting my morning has gone I am left without an excuse for my ridiculous reactions, whether they are internal or external. It was a moment of embarrassment that left me convicted.

Lesson learned... until the next time I need to relearn it... and the time after that. Probably in the next week or so. Thank goodness for the grace of Christ!

"You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." 
-Nehemiah 9:17

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

'Tis the Season

Fall weather is FINALLY in full force (and when I say "full force" I mean it hasn't gotten over 70 in about a week).

I. love. it.

I used to have an unnecessary aversion to the warmer months of the year, but I've learned to appreciate them as of late. However, send that crisp fall air my way and I'll turn my back on summer in a heart beat. Fall's arrival means that it is time to enjoy an obscene amount of delicious food, that Christmas lights and other decor will be up soon, that hot chocolate will taste even better than normal thanks to that chilly wind. Mmmmm, yes. AND there is no beating the turning of leaves along the river or in the mountains. I've gotta say, if trees could look like this all year round, you wouldn't find me complaining.
(Photo Courtesy of Searchihng for the Light Photography and Design)

For whatever reason, the dark evenings and cold air make me morph back into the bookworm I once was... back before growing up took over and graduation was just only a semester away. I head to my favorite coffee shop with my most recent book of choice (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, at the moment) and proceed to spend at least an hour sipping coffee and feeling cozy, all the while knowing there are projects to finish, papers to write, and textbooks to study. Prioritizing at it's finest, ladies and gentleman. Yes, it's true. Responsibility takes a backseat to my hour or so of wanting to feel like Fall. I stand by my choices.

Fall and I are meant to be.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Isaiah 30:21

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way. Walk in it."