Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Because Sometimes Life is Rough

Sometimes you need a little blogging therapy and nonsense sentences that will likely be the thing to confuse you out of whatever funk you originally found yourself in.

Like that one.

While being married is just under 6 weeks away and some scrambling has begun to make sure things to come together the way they should, life has decided to still happen in spite of my upcoming nuptials. Rude, I know, that it wouldn't put off throwing some difficult things my way until after September. But with that being said, if you're able to decipher my ramblings at all, the Lord has proven to be sufficient through every means possible.

Knowing that my family and I are dealing with the same thing in so many different ways, none of us being able to be fully strong for the others, the Lord has shown just how faithful He is to provide in everything. Financially, emotionally, physically. Through that fantastic guy I get to marry. Through my roommate who deal with mopey me often now. Through sweet friends with listening ears and hearts that hurt with me. Through rain and beautiful sunsets being little pick-me-ups when things feel extra heavy. But mostly through that still, quiet voice deep in my heart showing me true sufficiency.

As abstract and vague as all of that is, I've been shown more in the last 4 weeks the true and relentless love and providence of my God who will never leave me, forget me, or forsake me.

Do not fear for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand. -Isaiah 41:10

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