We are back in Windhoek and all together again! Two of our team spent the last week and a half in Otjiwarango while the rest of us were in Katima. It was so great to see both of them again. We’ve been able to take yesterday and today and just recover from travelling and being so busy. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until we were given time to rest. It’s been so great spending time with the team, but some down time and less than 13 people time was so needed and enjoyed. We’ve all spent some really good quality alone time with the Lord and been able to refocus and get ready to do campus ministry on Monday. We took two days to travel back from Katima, and on the second travel day we went through Etosha Game Park and saw a TON of animals. Giraffes, kudo, wildebeests, zebras, and ELEPHANTS!!!! (my personal favorite, obviously) :D It was such a great time and so much fun to see all of those animals so close to our car. Loads and loads of fun! Another great thing about the time we’ve had here has been getting to know the team. It’s truly an answer to prayer to see the people that the Lord has put on this team and how we all are able to work together without any drama or arguments. It’s amazing to see how all our different strengths are able to work together so fluidly. It has been a testament to Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 “Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls the other can reach out and help. But people are alone when they fall are in real danger.” It’s been great to spend time with all of the team, especially the other girls, and know that with each of our different struggles the first place the other takes us is to the Lord through scripture or prayer. It’s an incredible community that the Lord has given me for this six weeks. I can’t believe I’m already a little more than half way through the trip. It’s unreal how quickly it’s going by. At the same time though, as time goes on it is easier to miss people at home. I do know, however, that the Lord orchestrated this trip and brought me here and is going to use every minute of it for His glory and to refine me. I’m excited to see how He’s going to use the next three weeks on campus and among us as a team. Again, I thank you for your prayers while I’m here and I’m so excited for all the stories I’ll be able to tell once I get back! :D (*Still have picture issues, but I promise I’m working on it!)