Friday, July 23, 2010

Hope Village

Yesterday we continued our campus ministry at Poly Tech. After spending the morning there we left for Hope Village. It's a small orphanage in Katatura (a very poor part of Windhoek). I have to say never before has my heart been captured quite like it was with a sweet little 2 year old girl named Sta. She woke up from her nap, stuck her bottom lip out, walked over to me, and with big brown eyes insisted that I hold her for the next two hours or so. She is precious. There are about 30 children at this orphanage right now. Not all of there parents have died but all of them that haven't are unwilling to take care of them. They were so precious and so trusting. We will go back tomorrow to spend the day with them. The Lord has really used the children here to bring humility to us in different ways. They have so little but have so much joy. Truly an amazing time (again, pictures to come but probably not until I'm back in the States). I can't believe that we've got less than two weeks left here. It's gone by so fast, but at the same time seems like we've been here for much longer. I've been so blessed by the community God has given me here with my team. I think I mentioned it before but the girls here have been so great. He's really developing friendships here totally based on our faith and strengthened by Him. I'm so so grateful for each of the people on the team and the time we've gotten to spend with each other. My internet cafe time is running low but I'll try to post more stories/happenings this weekend! :D

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